9 Tips to Help Heal Your Cracked Heels

Most people have the tendency of getting cracked heels.

This is because it is easily one of the most neglected parts of the body. No one really takes out time to check out their heels. The truth is; they are as important as other parts.

Those cracks on your heels did not pop out in a day.

Usually it begins with dry patches on your skin which might turn red. The skin around your heels begins to peel off and becomes really itchy. Immediately you notice these, then something should be done real quick before it gets really worse.

If left alone, it could result into an infection that affects your whole feet.

Cracked feet are caused by different factors but the most common is dry skin. This happens when you do not moisturize your feet.

When you stand for long period, use harsh soaps to bathe, and wear footwear that do not keep your feet balanced, you put your feet at risk. Your feet are at a higher risk if you are overweight. Too much exposure to water and cold weather also do not help matters.

All these are reasons why your feet have those cracks you are now eager to get rid of.

Cracks in the feet could also be caused by medical conditions like diabetes, eczema, psoriasis and thyroid. For medical conditions, you need to see your doctor before beginning any sort of treatment.

Now that we know why those cracks are there, the next question is: how can you get rid of them?

The truth is; it’s easy. It might take a while but with the right treatment, coupled with persistence, your feet would be good as new.

The first step to getting rid of cracked heels is:

Lifestyle Changes.

First you have to control those things that caused the cracks in the first place. Here are some tips that should help.

1. Moisturize daily

This is very important. Making sure that your skin gets the moisture that it needs is the first step to ensure smooth skin.

Make sure to use a moisturizing cream instead of a lotion. This is because creams are thicker and oilier. Also, they trap in moisture in your skin. You could use a heel balm or foot cream.

You could use petroleum jelly (like Vaseline) or any other occlusive moisturizer. Do this daily, especially at night. That gives your legs the space to heal without any pressure on the heel.

2. Put on a sock

Putting on a sock after moisturizing helps the healing process. Apart from that, it is better you put on a sock anytime you put on a shoe. Cotton socks are a better choice. This is because cotton is a breathable fabric. They absorb moisture and help to reduce friction between your heels and the shoes.

3. Do not use harsh soaps

I know most people like soaps with strong fragrance, something that keeps you smelling nice for a long time. However, this might be a bad option for your cracked skin. These soaps might be made with chemicals that dry up your skin. Instead, use a mild soap.

4. Do not scrub. Use a foot file

It might be tempting to scrub off the dry skin hoping a new one comes out. Scrubbing the skin vigorously can instead make the cracks get bigger. Instead, use a foot file to gently remove the dry skin off your feet. This should be done after taking your bathe.

Just ensure to file your heels gently, in one direction and not both ways.

5. Wear the right shoes

We all want to wear shoes in vogue. That might not be good for your heels. Stay away from high heels, especially if you are going to be standing for long. You shouldn’t even be standing for long.

Do not wear backless shoes or flip-flops if you can help it.

You need shoes that support your heels. Backless shoes should be avoided during cold weather because they leave your heels exposed to harsh weather conditions that would leave your heels dry.

Home Remedies

You already know by now that the good thing about skincare is that there are always home remedies ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes, you can easily treat those cracked heels without going to the doctor.

These remedies should help:

1. Vaseline and Lemon Juice

Vaseline is a good moisturizing agent. It is an occlusive, that is, it helps to trap in moisture in your skin. Lemon juice has citric acid which helps in peeling off dead skin โ€“ which in turn gives room for the growth of new skin.


1 teaspoon of Vaseline, few drops of lemon juice and a bowl of warm water.


  1. Dip your feet in the bowl of warm water. Soak in for about 15 minutes. Then dry your feet.
  2. Mix the lemon juice and Vaseline on the cracked part of your feet till it is absorbed into your skin.
  3. Put a sock on, preferably woolen socks.

Be sure to do this daily before bed.

2. Banana

Banana is commonly described as a natural skin moisturizer. It contains vitamins that help to revitalize the skin and as well keep the skin moist.

However, unripe banana should NOT be used because of its acidic content.


2 ripe bananas.


  1. Create a smooth paste by mashing both bananas together
  2. Rub it all over your feet. Leave no part out.
  3. Let it soak in for 15 minutes. Then rinse off.

Do this at night, daily.

3. Honey

Honey has antibacterial properties that cleanse sores and wounds. It also has soothing properties that help to rejuvenate the skin. It is a natural moisturizer.


1cup of honey and a bowl of warm water.


  1. Pour honey into the bowl of water.
  2. Dip your leg in the mixture and soak in for 20 minutes. Gently massage your feet.
  3. Exfoliate your skin with a foot filer.

This should be done daily, before bed.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural antioxidant. It contains lupeol, which has anti-inflammatory agent. Aloe Vera not only revitalizes your skin, it helps the wound to heal faster.


Aloe Vera extract, a bowl of water and foot filer.


  1. Soak your feet in warm water. Afterwards, scrub your feet with a foot filer.
  2. Apply aloe Vera juice on your feet and massage till it is absorbed.

Do this daily before bed.


Cracked heels are an eyesore, and what’s worse? They can slowly damage the skin on your feet โ€“ and even get you an infection. So make sure you start that treatment today.

Remember: the right treatment and persistence is all it takes. Not only would your feet look good again; it would also feel good.

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