Have you ever wondered what causes acne? Do you almost hate yourself right now because acne breakouts have taken over your body and robbed you of your self-esteem and social life? Are you wondering wh...Read More
It is 2021 and if you did not add taking care of yourself to the list of your new year’s resolution, then you should do that now! Today, we are talking about something every woman should take out ti...Read More
I once watched a movie where everyone stopped aging at the age of 25. Though they kept counting the years as they grew older, they did not experience aging. In fact, when grandma and grandchild stood ...Read More
Today, we are taking a shift from the usual skincare advice and talking about skin facts. We are going to learn about our skin! There are a lot of things many women do not know about their skin. Most ...Read More
The aging process is one thing every one of us experiences. We grow older every day. And as we grow older, every part of our body gets affected, including our skin. So, aging signs start to appear all...Read More
One of the things many women strive to achieve is keeping their skin youthful as they grow older. Little wonder we spend a lot of skincare products and follow the right skincare practices. Having a sh...Read More
Before you ask, yes, peeling skin is a thing. It is not uncommon to wake up and realize that your skin is peeling off your face or other parts of your body. While it might seem harmless, it is not wis...Read More
Every day, as you go through your day, you expose your skin to a lot of things that cause damage to it. When we talk about things that damage the skin, we usually talk about using the wrong skincare p...Read More
Usually, acne is one of the things we encounter as teenagers. Puberty gets the best of our skin and we spend our teenage years battling with acne. And normally, that should be the end. Acne should dis...Read More
This is one of the questions I answer a lot… Can food cause acne? Some women believe that it can because whenever they eat foods like butter or groundnut, pimples begin to pop on their faces. Others...Read More